VECTOR (VC) (Youtube Banner).jpg

making jesus known!

About Vector

Vector is a church that meets exclusively in virtual reality. Our mission is simple, we exist to turn off the dark by being the light Jesus has called us to be. We accomplish this by knowing jesus and making jesus known.

We meet every thursday at 8pm central in Bigscreen.

Kingdom Warriors:

The Battle for the mind

The biggest battle the enemy wages upon us is in the mind. If he can get us to think less of God, or think of God less, he wins. However, the enemy will also attack the way you think about yourself. As Kingdom warriors, we must win the battle for our minds.

We stay connected throughout the week through our Discord server. Here is where we pray and do life with one another outside of the VR spaces, as well as stay up to date with all upcoming events.

Don’t have a discord? No Problem! Click on the button below to get signed up and jump right into the Vector Church discord community!